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Helsinki University of Technology
Faculty of Information and Natural Sciences
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
P.O. Box 5400
FI-02015 TKK
Tel. +358-9-451 3228
Fax. +358-9-451 3293

Helsinki University of Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering

TKK Technical Reports in Computer Science and Engineering, B

Espoo, 2009

Automatic Generation of Algorithm Visualizations for Lectures

Ville Karavirta, Guido Rößling, and Otto Seppälä

Keywords: Algorithm Animation, Animal, Xaal, Lecture Slides, Presentation

ISBN: ISBN 978-952-60-3251-1 (electronic)
ISSN: 1797-6944 (electronic)


Algorithm animations and visualizations (AVs) aim at making program code or algorithms more understandable by providing a view of the code on a higher level of abstraction. Despite the demonstrated benefits, algorithm visualizations have not been widely adopted in teaching. Presentation tools such as Microsoft PowerPoint and OpenOffice.org Impress are often used by instructors, and algorithm animations are added to the lecture slides. The generation of animations with these tools can be awkward and time-consuming. In this paper, we present a set of tools that allows easy generation of algorithm animations to be used in lecture slides.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Helsinki, October 20th, 2009

PDF: Automatic Generation of Algorithm Visualizations for Lectures