[opeverkosto] Fwd: Koli 2009 Deadline Approaching

Kirjoittajan mukaan: Ari Korhonen <Ari.Korhonen_at_hut.fi>
Päiväyksen mukaan: Thu, 4 Jun 2009 19:52:18 +0300

>Please forward this to other lists and interested colleagues.
>The deadline for submitting papers, posters and Tools Award nominations to
>the 2009 Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research
>is fast approaching.
>We look forward to receiving your submissions via EasyChair in the
>standard ACM
>two-column format.
>Important Links:
>Arnold Pears (arnold.pears_at_it.uu.se)
>Carsten Schulte
>Koli 2009 General Chairs

Ari archie Korhonen (Email: Ari.Korhonen_at_hut.fi)
Tel: +358-44-519 6948 (mobile); +358-9-451 3387 (work)
Received on 2009-06-04 klo 19.52 EEST

Tämän arkiston loi hypermail 2.2.0 : 2009-06-04 klo 19.52 EEST